Okay, Okay, I will admit it. I've been a bit tardy in updating this blog...real life, work, etc...
I've also been a bit tardy in doing things "gamey"....
So yesterday I finally got the urge (after about almost two months of apathy), to sit down at the workbench and do something...
But what?
I have countless projects screaming for completion, (or at least to be "further completed" or "worked on towards completion"), figures screaming to be primed, painted, sealed; terrain needing to be built, and the work area needing to be cleaned off...(honestly it's massively cluttered)....
So I looked around and in true mini gamer fashion said "LET'S START SOMETHING NEW!!!"
Mini-gamers have a way of doing that you know....
I looked at my "drawers of scrap stuff", (honestly, my wife, (GAWD BLESS HER!)), brings home odd plastic parts to check to see if I can "use it for something" before it goes in the trash....
And I found some "Stuff"...
So with a little creativity, imagination, and a with Tune-In Radio bouncing between polka music and 1930's-40's radio stuff, I started working...
The following photos are TOP SECRET!!!!
A lot of little lead men gave their lives to their country to get these photos out of an uber bad place...
And allow me to introduce you to :
*insert dramatic music here*
Deutsche interplanetarische Fliegen-Raum-Untertasse
(Translated: German Interplanetary Flying Space Saucer).....
Yes...I've gotten around to designing and building my Third Reich UFO!!!
Construction was actually quite simple:
1: Two plastic salad plates.
2: One half of a gumball toy bubble container.
3: Four coffee creamer cups for landing gear.
4: Glue together, (making sure that plates align up. (this is the hardest part).
5: Paint.
(With a little help from "beyond", the craft starts to take shape)... |
(Seeing it take shape).... |
(The Semi Finished product)... |
Doktor Von Glockenspiel: Ja! Und sobald dieser
Prototyp hoch und fliegend ist, haben wir bald eine Flotte
Fliegenraumuntertassen, die fähig sind, die Verbündeten vom Himmel über unserem
geliebten deutschen Vaterland zu fegen!“
Der Stahlhelm: JA! JA! Heute Europa, morgen die Welt
und der Tag nach der, ALLE ANDEREN PLANETEN!!! SIEG HEIL!“
Doctor Von Glockenspiel: "Yes! And once this
prototype is up and flying, we will soon have a fleet of flying space saucers
able to sweep the Allies from the sky over our beloved German Fatherland!"
Der Stahlhelm: YES! YES! Today Europe, Tomorrow The
World and the day after that, ALL THE OTHER PLANETS!!! SIEG HEIL!" can see where this is going....
It wasn't "just Nazi's" that I was working on yesterday....
I finally got around to opening up my box of figs from Old Glory, (The Blue Moon Hillbillies "The Hardfelts"), and prepped them for painting.
Here's a pic of them directly out of the box and set up according to their photo.
(All I need is a banjo player)....
(A close up of them)
Metal flash was indeed minimal and located mostly around the hands, (although to parts had to be cut off).
I've given them a couple of sprays of black primer. To be honest, they are taking A LOT more primer than most figures, due to their shapes, and the amounts of undercuts in them.
I see a lot of adventures with this group, (which for some reason, I don't care for the "Hardfelts" name, so I've started calling them "The Pritchett Clan"....(reflecting on a series of stories I wrote for my "Booger Holler" setting...which will eventually come into play...)
(A close up of some of the figs...)
And I was able to get this bunch of Bob Murch figs primed also...
The "Surly Servants"....
And not to be left or forgotten....
I primed my M24's that will be the main armor for my 15mm force for Bongolesia's neighbor to the South..."The Mysterious Fandango Republic"....
I do believe that B'wonah may be having an issue on his border real soon.....
And finally....finally!!!!
While rummaging through my 25-28mm Drawer...I came across a couple of more packs of figs that said "We've been in here for years...get us painted!"
So I pulled them and have started the process of getting them ready for painting...
Just by looking at these packs you know that his is not going to end well......
And so that was it for a Saturday afternoon....
Hope you enjoyed it!