Can't ya tell I'm super duper pumped up and excited on this post?!...
Yes it's been a bit since the last entry, but life does that, and things happen. I've been busy with the house and getting things done around here and yes, getting the Wargames room finished!
So without further eloquence, may I present "Murphy's Wargames Room"....
The Wargame Room...
So back in Dec. 2020, and Jan. 2021, I showed off some pics of the game room, and the painting room in progress. I am happy to say that for the most part the painting room is 98% done, and the Wargames room is about 95% done. It's been an interesting time getting both up and running.
And the best part is that it was christened with an old school 2nd Edition D&D game this past weekend!
So let's head downstairs and see it shall we?
A piece of artwork that my wonderful wife, (Gawd bless her!), got for me. It fits quite nicely on this wall. There is a lot of artwork hanging on the walls of the Wargames room. |
Not only does Il Duce provide "helpful, friendly, bathroom advice", but he gives them that "Mussolini look", and it keeps them from lingering in the bathroom too long... |
So now it's onto the game room...
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The Wargames room gaming area. Currently set up for 2nd Edition D&D. There is a 4 ft table at the far end for the DM. The two main tables are 8' in length and a total of 5' across and the nearest white table is a standard 6 X 3'. There are three display cases for figures in the room, and the dark passageway contains storage shelves for terrain, etc. |
So with the end of the tour, we moved onto the D&D game and the initial game of the room.
I had planned for a D&D campaign for a while and things were always being put on hold. So when I got to get this going, and put out the announcement, friends of mine jumped at the chance to do something fun and "Pre-Covid". I originally had eight people in the group, but two of them had to drop due (husband and wife), due to the wife having a dental emergency appt. that Saturday afternoon.
So everyone else came and sat, and I took the inaugural picture...
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The cheeriest, friendliest looking bunch of murder-hobos you will ever see... |
And we played and played and played. NPC interactions, secret notes, an old parchment map, escorting refugees, listening to a very bad bard singing songs very badly, and fighting brigands. It was old school goodness, (with a critical hits and fumble table).
Towards the evening, we then took a dinner break, and headed upstairs to the wonderful spread put out by my wonderful wife (Gawd bless her!). And everyone dug in.
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If you left hungry, it's your old darn fault... |
We got back to the game and played until almost 10 pm.
Next game is in two weeks, and all are looking forward to it.
Miniatures games will be starting soon also.
More to come!