With Sept running quick and now we are into October, I finally got around to getting off my duff and updating this thing.
So without further eloquence, here we go!
"OOOOoooooohhh! Rock me Amadeus!" (or "A mild foray into the 18th Century)....
A recent discussion with my friend JC in LV, and his pictures of his pirates, turned up the fire on the back burner I had of pirates and 18th Century figures. So it was off to the painting table for a quick couple of weeks of slap dash painting and colors.
I finally decided to get some paint on figures. Don't worry about me running out. Rest assured, that there are plenty more to fill in the empty spaces.
Many of these figures I've had for a few years, from the SYW convention I attended back in 2015, to Little Wars, and online purchases. They're a mix of Old Glory, Eureka, Reaper, Foundry, and some others.
Spray priming was easy as the humidity was down, and there was a light breeze to help with the drying process.
A few quick swipes with the primer can, and then they were ready for the next step.
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(Primed and ready!) |
The "next step" being getting them onto the painting table and in their respective painting queues....
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(All lined up and ready for painting...block colors going on...) |
For this many figures I started off with block painting. Going with the dark colors, (boots, dark trousers and shirts, hats, etc. Then the flesh colors, and then the whites/linens, and finally starting the myriad of different base colors.
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(Initial colors going on, so "some" progress is being made...) |
Finally, (and I mean FINALLY), I was getting around to getting some of them finished...
First up is Lord Whitehall, recently appointed Governor of the Island...
Yes for it would seem that the Governor is NOT a man to be trifled with....
Next up is the man "determined to save souls....or burn witches....whatever comes first....
Every 18th Century adventure needs a fop or two, (or four or more)...
And musicians.
"Nigel Tandy's musical talent and abilities, weren't enough to keep him from barely escaping England with his life, due to his dalliances with the ladies of the local gentry, (of which a few illegitimate children were born), and fleeing to Port Haven, and finding a nice, easy (by the standard here), comfy position as his Lordships musician.
By day, he plays and composes at his lordships will. He is also in demand at night for soirees, balls, dances, dinners, evening entertainment and so on.
Despite knowing what almost happened, he also understands that "pretty, rich, women are his weakness....his Achilles heel.", and knows that it will only be a matter of time before his roving eye catches the looks of one of the local upper crust ladies.
The fact that she may have a heavy purse would be an extra pleasant surprise.
But until then, it's time for him to play (once again), "Traipsing through the green meadow" on his piano forte to the delight of some of those upper crusters that wouldn't give him the time of day otherwise."
And yet more "Harbor Girls"...
(Eliza...) |
(Suzette...She's French ya know...) |
Meanwhile the work continues...
I cleaned up the work-desk as much as I could for this month.
And got my queue of figures to be painted
(Not as chaotic as it usually is...) |
And got my queue of figures to be painted
I try to keep as much as possible to my "Four Figures A Day" thing but it has fallen to the wayside quite a bit. However, when I do paint, I do try to finish four figures a day. My queue is essentially,
1: What I am currently painting to finish.
2: What I am currently painting to get progress on.
3: What I need to get painted.
4: What's waiting to get painted.
As the figures are finished, the line progresses and more figures are added to the back.
Current figures in the queue are 18th Century, Pirates, a couple of Colonials, a couple of fantasy figures, and a Pizza Dragon.
But it wasn't all pirates and Caribbean goodness...
(The whole "kit and kaboodle" on the table.) |
(Some of the figures in the queue waiting patiently to be painted, or to be completed...) |
But it wasn't all pirates and Caribbean goodness...
"I vant to suck your ......."
I had planned to run an immersive Fury of Dracula game for Halloween weekend, but due to scheduling problems, that recently got cancelled.
However, before it did, I realize a while back that I didn't like the plain gray look of the plastic game figures, so out came the figures and out came the paints and brushes.
Due to the soft plastic construction of them, the figures do not really have that much facial detail, but I still worked with what I had, and am seriously considering replacing them with 28mm figures for the game.
First up is the nemesis of the game, Old Count D, himself...
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("Look deep into my eyes....Are you type "O" by any chance?...") |
Then the hunters....
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(From L to R: Prof. Van Helsing, Mina Harker, Jonathan Seward, and Lord Godalming...) |
Besides painting figures, I also started work on scratch-building a couple of cottages for my 18th Century/etc. games.
Foamboard construction with basswood flooring, doors, timber framing, and the roofs haven't been made yet.
(Some nice gaming real estate under construction...) |
But then leave it to my wonderful wife, (Gawd bless her!), to keep me well fed at the painting table...
(A Sunday morning breakfast of Knackwurst, eggs, rye toast, and fried potatoes and onions on the table, being carefully inspected by a British mounted officer...) |
But sometimes "enough is enough."; even when your Dremel finally tells you, "It's time to stop."
So other things have been going on in the month also...The first and most important was my 11th anniversary!Yeps...My wonderful wife (Gawd bless her!), and I have been married for 11 years.ELEVEN. YEARS.Good golly!

(Yes she made the wedding dress...)

(Myself, my wife, and my best man and friend, no longer here...Til Valhalla compadre...)

(A few words, and some laughter before a final kiss and the guns roaring into action...)
And so this year, we celebrated quietly.With dinner at our favorite Mexican place.
Yes, everyone. It's time for FOOD PICS!!!!!

(Anniversary dinner fajitas and carnitas platters...)
And some close up pictures of FOOD!!! (meat in this case)....

(And my fajita platter...mmm...)
My wife's new project..."Sew be it!"
Those of you that know my wife, know that she is indeed a "crafty" individual.
Really.She's into sewing, knitting, crocheting, beading, patterns, doll making, etc.When we bought this house, we had decided to make the attic her sewing room.However after dealing with the horrible layout of the air handler venting setup, and the fact that it would take approx. 5-10K to finish it for her, (walls and new flooring), we decided to go ahead and convert the guest room into her sewing room.
So we had it set up for a guest room....
This is what it looked like.
The bed and couch went downstairs into the sun room becoming a ground floor bedroom. Then it was time start moving stuff into the room from the attic.Soooooo much "stuff"....
And this was the initial setup of furniture for the room.
After this then came "the tubs of stuff"...Sewing room stuff is to women what "miniature gaming stuff" is to us.Fabric, patterns, fabric, thread, spools of thread, ribbons, sewing machines, notions (more on those later), books on sewing, even more fabric, and needles, and all the bits and bobs that make a sewing room a....well....a sewing room.
The room with the first batches of "sewing stuff" brought in.That wooden thing in the foreground is a thread spool holder.


(Slowly getting organized)…

(Her display case of antique dolls, miniatures, and porcelain tea sets...)

(The entire process is carried out under the watchful eyes of Mr. Spock...)


(A tub of fabric...there's even more fabric in more tubs...)

(And patterns....)

(And even more patterns...)

(And yet more fabric...)

(And yet MORE fabric....)

(And swatches of fabric...)

(And even more fabric in the closet!!!!)

(And ribbons....lots of pretty, pretty, ribbons...)
It's enough to drive a man crazy it is...But it is to my wife, what my work room down in the basement where I paint figures, built terrain, and scenics, and do my stuff is to me.If she is happy with it, then I am happy and all is right in the world.
My gods...the woman has put up being married to me for ELEVEN YEARS!That should amount to something....
So as I close this, just remember....
In the immortal words of Calvin and Hobbs, (their last line in the last panel of their last strip)...
But sometimes "enough is enough."; even when your Dremel finally tells you, "It's time to stop."
So other things have been going on in the month also...
The first and most important was my 11th anniversary!
My wonderful wife (Gawd bless her!), and I have been married for 11 years.
Good golly!
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(Yes she made the wedding dress...) |
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(Myself, my wife, and my best man and friend, no longer here...Til Valhalla compadre...) |
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(A few words, and some laughter before a final kiss and the guns roaring into action...) |
And so this year, we celebrated quietly.
With dinner at our favorite Mexican place.
Yes, everyone. It's time for FOOD PICS!!!!!
(Anniversary dinner fajitas and carnitas platters...) |
And some close up pictures of FOOD!!! (meat in this case)....
(And my fajita platter...mmm...) |
My wife's new project..."Sew be it!"
Those of you that know my wife, know that she is indeed a "crafty" individual.
She's into sewing, knitting, crocheting, beading, patterns, doll making, etc.
When we bought this house, we had decided to make the attic her sewing room.
However after dealing with the horrible layout of the air handler venting setup, and the fact that it would take approx. 5-10K to finish it for her, (walls and new flooring), we decided to go ahead and convert the guest room into her sewing room.
So we had it set up for a guest room....
This is what it looked like.
The bed and couch went downstairs into the sun room becoming a ground floor bedroom. Then it was time start moving stuff into the room from the attic.
Soooooo much "stuff"....
And this was the initial setup of furniture for the room.
After this then came "the tubs of stuff"...
Sewing room stuff is to women what "miniature gaming stuff" is to us.
Fabric, patterns, fabric, thread, spools of thread, ribbons, sewing machines, notions (more on those later), books on sewing, even more fabric, and needles, and all the bits and bobs that make a sewing room a....well....a sewing room.
The room with the first batches of "sewing stuff" brought in.
That wooden thing in the foreground is a thread spool holder.
(Yikes!) |
(Slowly getting organized)… |
(Her display case of antique dolls, miniatures, and porcelain tea sets...) |
(The entire process is carried out under the watchful eyes of Mr. Spock...) |
(Fabric) |
(A tub of fabric...there's even more fabric in more tubs...) |
(And patterns....) |
(And even more patterns...) |
(And yet more fabric...) |
(And yet MORE fabric....) |
(And swatches of fabric...) |
(And even more fabric in the closet!!!!) |
(And ribbons....lots of pretty, pretty, ribbons...) |
It's enough to drive a man crazy it is...
But it is to my wife, what my work room down in the basement where I paint figures, built terrain, and scenics, and do my stuff is to me.
If she is happy with it, then I am happy and all is right in the world.
My gods...the woman has put up being married to me for ELEVEN YEARS!
That should amount to something....
So as I close this, just remember....
In the immortal words of Calvin and Hobbs, (their last line in the last panel of their last strip)...
And speaking of treasure...
Who'd be willing to hoist the sails and sail the seas in search of treasure and plunder???
Adventure Awaits!!!!
And so I close out this entry.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it.
As always more to come and comments are welcome and appreciated.