Little Toy Soldiers and Such...

The Blog of Michael T. Murphy and his lifelong obsession with "little army men" and their imaginary glory, miniature wargaming, and other things...

Monday, December 30, 2024

December, and The Christmas Loot!

 I do have to apologize for yet once again another delay.

The December holiday season slammed into us like an oncoming freight train.

My wife and I were overwhelmed by all that was (and still is), going on.

But with Christmas, I DID score a bit on the gaming stuff.

And Christmas was good to us both...

"The Old Girl"....

Diligent readers of the past entries will know that our house (aka: "The Old Girl"), is something "of her own", and this is especially true at Christmas, when she takes on her own special magic.

A wonderful friend of mine has nicknamed our house "The Hallmark Christmas Movie Set House..." because well, as he says "It looks like a set for a Hallmark Christmas Romance Movie".  I couldn't agree more. And to be honest, she is so beautiful. These pics don't do her justice.

("Mr. Bear and the Stuffies" sit patiently next to the tree peering out the window and waiting for "you know who" on Christmas Eve...)

(Looking into the dining room from the foyer...)

(Ready for the entry scene....)

("Mr. Bear and The Stuffies" are sitting in the chair next to the tree, patiently waiting and peering out the window for "You know who...")

("The warm, steaming glow of electric sex...."  Well, you have to admit that it DOES slow down traffic on our street...)

And even my game room in the basement got it's very own Christmas Tree!

(Hmmm...I dunno....Does it really say "Christmas"?) 

We also got a chance to host a December dinner for some friends of ours. Food, friends, fun, fellowship, and gift giving...

And the Hallmark House did it's magic....

("Now this is the scene where we meet the family....")

(Insert charming Christmas dinner music here...)


Christmas Day came and my wonderful wife's (Gawd bless her!) stocking was (as usual) stuff to the gills and overflowing with goodies.

She deserves it for putting up with me.

(Stocking envy? Naaaaahhhh.....)

(Soldaten's Gunther and Hans guard the German Candies. They do their duty as all good German soldiers do.)

Also, if you like Sweet Tarts candies and can find these, get them.

They are indeed that good.

Oh and our dinner dessert with our friends was mini-chocolate eclairs.

(Need I discuss in devilish dialogue their delightful deliciousness?) 

Christmas morning came around....

(Mr. Bear waits to open presents...)

(Yeps. He got a candy cane! He's happy!)

(Look at all the surprises beneath the tree!!!, and um...get a look at those two German soldiers guarding the boozy chocolates...)

And the present opening trashed the house...just like in a Hallmark movie.

(Mr. Bear looks like he is passed out from too much eggnog!)

And then we ate!

(Ham, sweet potatoes, scalloped potatoes, asparagus, cranberry sauce, and Italian bread...) 

And then we had wine...

A 15 year old bottle of Ruby Port....

And we had a lemon thingy for desert also....

After that, we watched football....(also known as "How the Houston Texans got overwhelmed and spanked hard by the Baltimore Ravens....)

(Mr. Bear doesn't understand football, but he likes to watch it....)

("A Man and His Bear...." As you can tell this isn't going well for the Texans....)

After the game, I went outside and in true tradition, got pics of the old girl on Christmas night....

Her 107th....

My Christmas Loot....

And so, we made it through Christmas Day, and the day after, (Boxing Day).

I took inventory of my loot and for gaming stuff, made out pretty well.

First off was some 3D printed buildings 28mm from Ender.

There are really nice and detailed 28mm scenic pieces that fit in with fantasy/historical settings, and should paint up quite nicely. The rooftops are not removable, so they are solid pieces.

(These will look good in my pirate, fantasy, and witchfinder/horror/pike and shotte games...)

She also got me the Sarissa English Timber Frame Manor.

This thing is pretty big and intimidating looking.

(Gonna look great once it's done and on the table....)

(That's a lot of pieces there...)

And then she scored big points by getting me the 6' X 4' Countryside mat from Cigar Box Battles.
A quick measurement shows this to be a little more than 4' wide, but I am not complaining.
This is beautifully done and very high quality.

(This is very high quality. I am impressed and it will look awesome on the table...)

She also scored for me the basic dock set and market place set from Things from the Basement.

And I got the Osprey "On The Seven Seas" book....

And finally she picked up some figures from Eureka.

These are the four 18th Century Vignette Sets that I have been eyeing for a while.

(More figures and more painting in the future...)

So that was my gaming loot for Christmas. I scored on other loot also including a pretty awesome metal detector and some much needed other items.

Christmas was once again a wonderful time, even with the Texans getting stomped.

I made wonderful memories with my wonderful wife, and treasure them.

I do have to keep this in mind and once again pass this onto all of my readers out there, (and feel free to pass it on yourself.)

So at this point, I am happy and blessed and am at peace. One of these day in the future, I myself will be "one of those that didn't make it", and I am hoping that this blog and these words and pics will continue, and those can't take enjoyment in it.

(My Santa hat....Las Vegas style....)

And of course I save the best for last.
The reason for the season.
May the light of our Lord and Savior shine upon you and your loved ones for this year and the coming years ahead. 
For he is indeed, the light of the world...
Merry Christmas....

Thanks for reading this year and for all the years. There's more to come and please let me know if there is anything you'd like to see.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Sept, October, and early November update....

 Holy crap!

First off I need to seriously apologize to everyone here for the delay in posting to this blog for the last TWO freaking months. As September came by and rolled into October, my "busy time" kicked in.


So much has been going on in the last couple of months that my gaming and painting has been literally essentially abandoned. Life, The Universe, and Everything, seems to have taken over. I did end up getting some figures, and I plan to get back into the fray of things next week now that the season is quieting down.

So here we go.

In August I made post #200. I was happy with it. I also planned to do an update to my Bongolesia blog. However, I found out that my password to my Bongolesia blog no longer worked. Sometime in the semi-recent past I had changed it it seems, and yet, I didn't have it written down anywhere. I attempted recovery, but couldn't as now blogspot's login is now connected with Google and good old Google DOES NOT offer password recovery info, (Besides it keeps showing my old non-existent phone # as the recovery verification number, which I DO know I changed.), and thus I am stuck.

Currently until further notice, the Bongolesia blog is hopelessly locked up and I am unable to get into it.

I hate the way sites like this one mesh into larger ones which then have a finicky control over them. In the past I could've emails blogger and said "Hey. Here's the deal. Can you help me out?" And they would've . Now, it's practically requiring an Aztec style sacrifice just to get in touch with someone, and since it's blogger and not Google, good luck with that.

Perhaps there shall be a new Bongolesia blog in the future. We shall see. 

But lets get back to this shall we?

September and Octobers progress was absolutely horrible. 

For the month of September I finished ZERO figures and/or terrain.

My figures/terrain schedule is way off now. 

For the month of September I painted the hat trim on a dozen tricornes for my 18th Century British Artillery Crewmen and that was it. That's all I got done.

For September....AND October.

September came and towards the end of the month, the leaves started changing color to their beautiful autumn colors. The sugar maple in my yard and the one in the neighbors yard went full glory.

Sadly though, these beautiful colors don't last long.

With Fall arriving, for the first time in years, I got out the full reenacting gear and decided to fall in at Hartford City. The last time I was there was for our wedding, and I was wanting to smell the smoke and powder again.

So I took Josette and loaded her up. 

One of the things I like about Josette (a 2018 Chrysler Pacifica), is the amount of cargo space you get with the "stow-n-go" availability. With this van I have more cargo space, than I did with the cargo space in my Ford F-150, (the 90's models didn't have a square/rectangular cargo bed, but due to the wheel wells making the cargo bed an hourglass shape), and its a good thing. I was able to pack a ton of stuff into it and still have room.

(Loading up...)

(Testing out the tent....)

So I packed up and got to the reenactment.

I set up camp and got ready. 

For the first time in my reenacting life, I decided NOT to go as a rifleman, but as the company drummer.  Learning the correct drum calls was an "interesting" series of lessons in itself, but they worked.

Camp was set up, food was cooked, and I ate by the light of a candle lantern.

(Dinner by candlelight...sort of....)

Coffee was on the first the next morning. Fresh beans in the bottom of the pot, boiled hot; the longer you let it cook, the stronger it becomes. 

And then it was off to battle.

After the reenactment weekend was over with, before leaving, I took a moment and stood on the hill and looked out over the field, and remembered all of my friends, those still with us, and those that have "Crossed the river and are resting in the shade of the trees with Jackson", and had a drink of bourbon for them and a pour. I then spent a little bit of time down at the fenceline remembering our wedding from 12 years ago.

(At the end...)

(For all of us...)

(That fenceline holds memories....)

(Here's to them all....)

(Letting the old cap and pipe rest on the fence. Remembering the days and people gone by...)

(" Old times there....are not forgotten....")

 I packed up my gear and headed to the local restaurant. Honestly speaking Hartford City only has one real restaurant, (a place called Richards). It's a local diner type of place, but it serves a pretty decent meal. 


(Topped off dinner with a slice of peach pie....)

The season was over with and I came home. 

And I was greeted with a box....from Denton Texas.

My Reaper Bones 6 KS had arrived!

(Oooooh much goodness!)

I opened it and quickly looked through it. It was smaller than my previous Reaper KS's, (4 & 5). TBH, for 6 I was kind of underwhelmed. There really wasn't a lot of stuff I was aching for. I think that 6 came way too early on the heels of 5. 

As October came around, we celebrated our anniversary and my birthday with Mexican food!

And I bought and assembled a shelf for my wonderful wife's (Gawd bless her!), sewing room.

(So much fabric and yarn....)

And then I had a medical appointment.

All you need to know is to take a look at the jug there, and you'll get an idea of what it was. 

All came out okay in the end, (no pun intended). 

As part of our anniversary, I went ahead and got us tickets for the Whitewater Valley Flyer Railroad excursion. This was a 5 hour event that took 1 1/2 hours to go by train from Connersville to the canal town of Metamora. Metamora is one of our favorite towns. Unfortunately the train trip wasn't the best, and there's only a two hour turn around so you barely have time to do anything. We were able to scarf a a small pizza, some drinks and hit two shops before we left. My wife bought some corn meal, and I bought a book and a copper cup.

(My wonderful wife, on the train...)

(Yours truly...)

(A nice little purchase there...)

(One of the trees in Metamora...)

We plan on returning to Metamora in December for their "Christmas on the Canal" event.

And then during the quiet moments, I restocked my office drink fridge...

And cleaned up the liquor table.
I have a liquor cabinet coming in, in the future.
Note to myself. I am also needing to restock, Jameson, Bushmills, and Johnny Walker Black....

And I early voted!

(Remember, "Service GUARANTEES Citizenship!")...

And I also got around to trying out a new deviled egg recipe that was VERY well received (and devoured)....

And I sucked down beer while watching the Texans play and embarrass the Colts.

Halloween was also slowly coming around....

(Looks like the neighbors dog has gotten loose again....sigh....)

Indeed for it was "that time o' year...."

(Bonus points if you know where this image comes from....)


So I filled up the candy bowl.

My wife said "Oh how nice! You are filling up the candy bowl for the kids!"

I looked at her and blinked.  ""

And she just sighed.

We also sat down and watched two Halloweeny movies.

(An interesting film to say the least....)

(We hadn't seen this one in a while, and so we watched it. It's hard to believe that this film is already 25 years old. I remember seeing it at the theater.)

While Halloween was going on, I decided to do Jack O' Lanterns.

I got two Pumpkins and decided on templates.

Pumpkin #1 was going to be the typical Halloween Jack O' Lantern. I did it up easy and named him "Bob"....

(To this! Bob looks good and happy in a jack o' lantern kind of way....)

After that, I went with a more "Different Design..."

("Qapla'! All Hail The Empire, and Glory and Honor to The House of Murphy!!!")

And I set "The Old Girl" up for Halloween....

After Halloween was over with, I did some "After Halloween Clearance shopping" where all the good stuff is put on reduced drastic sale.


I was able to get this baking mold to make edible pizza skulls and skull muffins.

And I picked up a tablecloth for my table downstairs.

And I picked up a plastic skull bucket to put to use....

And I always try to get extra tea lights....

These little suckers always come in handy.

I played around and did some photography also.

I also got around to trying out some of the recipes from the "Heroe's Feast" D&D cookbook.

First up was "Travelers Stew"....

(This is an awesome book. I highly recommend it.)

(Getting things ready...)

(In da pot....)

(In the bowl, served up with German dark rye bread, cheese, and washed down with a Warsteiner....)

(Annnnnd a close up...)

I then tried my hand at a dinner for my wife and me. I went with the "Elven Greenspear Bundles in Bacon", and the "Tomato Broth with Melted Cheeses".

So I fixed them up....

And they came out AWESOME!

The next day I was working with some leftovers from last nights dinner for lunch, and decided to make the recipe for "Orc Bacon".

The only thing I did differently was I did a little heavy glazing than it called for, and I accidentally used thin bacon instead of thick.

So I went to town on it...

And once again, it was awesome!

Finally, I ended up making Apple Enchiladas and Turkey Bacon for breakfast. The apple enchilada recipe is from the old Mariposa Ranch Bed and Breakfast in Brenham Texas, that I used to go to.

I decided to try a mixed glaze sauce on it, instead of the melted butter and sprinkled sugar and cinnamon and that literally made all the difference.

And now with all the food done, it was back to miniatures!


So readers probably don't know but back in the month of July, I made a deal with a fellow TMP'er for a lot of 18th Century figures. He also threw in some painted ones which was a pleasant surprise. 

And to top it off, a friend of mine in Canada sent me a set of painted figures as a gift.

So now I was looking at not one, but THREE boxes of figures!

Gadzooks! What a pleasant problem!!!!

(Three boxes of figures. Coffee mug to scale....)

First up was the Reaper KS Bones 6 box.

I'll admit that this was perhaps the most "underwhelming" Reaper Bones KS I had participated in. I felt it came way too fast after Bones 5 and simple just didn't have the umph there. True there were some nice pieces but still...

But I went ahead and went through it.

(Inventory sheet to make sure.)

(A decent amount of stuff. Not as much as last time, but still. And the inventory showed it all there.)

(The Undead Graveyard/Mausoleum set...)

(Innards for a tavern. Here's hoping that if they do Bones 7 that the actual building can be included....)

And a mystery box???....

(Hmmm...well on the bright side, it's not ticking....)

(Paints!!!! Most excellent! Wait...I don't have rack space....oh dear....)

(You can never have enough orcs to give the PC's a hard time....)

(You can't have enough Gnolls either....)

This is the Reaper 30th anniversary dragon. He's freakin' huge!

(Now a DRAGON!)

(The final tally and look at what was in the box. Lots of more stuff to paint....)

Then I took a look at my TMP purchase.

(A nice selection of 18th Century figures. Infantry, civilians, officers, and lots of painted up pretties, (mostly pirates!)....)

And then checking the package from my wonderful Canadian friend, and the painted figures he sent me.

(Oh my...these are really, REALLY nice....I am honored and humbled...)

And so with this dear friends, I am back on track. Back to getting figures and scenics painted, and back to getting terrain built. I have approx. six mos before Little Wars.

So I close this out by wishing everyone a great day, and a big thank you for reading this.

Stay tuned there's more to come!