Little Toy Soldiers and Such...

The Blog of Michael T. Murphy and his lifelong obsession with "little army men" and their imaginary glory, miniature wargaming, and other things...

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Post #200 and August Update!

 August has ended, and I just realized that this is post #200!

I started this blog sixteen years ago in August of 2008 to share my love of the hobby with friends, family, and fellow enthusiasts, and here we are 16 years later, and it's still going. I will admit that I don't make as many entries as I wish, because as I have grown older, I have slowed down some, and my health, life, and gaming habits have changed. But I have not stopped playing and I refuse to.

I will continue to keep going with this as long as I can, and as long as I feel it is worth the time and effort, and is fun for me to share. If you, dear reader have any requests, comments, ideas on what you would like to see more of, please let me know.

And now, let's get on with it shall we?


The issue with summer in Indiana isn't really the heat, but it's the humidity, and the humidity plays total complete havoc and hell upon attempts to seal figures outside. My main goal is that I wait until the humidity is 60% or less. Honestly if it gets under 50% it's even better. From the mid 50's until the 60 mark, I need a bit of a breeze to help with the drying, and the sprays have to be VERY light or else.

So it was this month of July when I was able to get some of my figures for the month sealed up, but then the humidity went nuts and I had to wait....and wait....and wait....and finally here we are at the end of August and I am finally getting them done.

But I know you don't want to read about my issues, so let's get on with it.

Most of my stuff is currently some scenics, (as this is my scenics and terrain month), and of 18th and 19th Century. 

Figures from July

So with the humidity died down finally, I got the last of July's figures sealed, and finished that endeavor.

So lets get cracking shall we?

Duelist series of figures...

First off is a figure from Foundry's "Duelist" Range.


28mm Figure from Foundry's pack CIV004 "Duelists".

Painted with Reapers/Vallejo's/Citadels.

Shaded and inked.

Mounted on a flat washer base.


"Robert Downs (of the Downs from Upper Lancastershire), arrived on the island with money, important papers for the governor from the Crown, business papers for the upper crust businessmen on the island, and a plan of his own to establish himself among them, and perhaps even above them..."

Next up was another Foundry Duelist figure.


28mm Figure from Foundry's pack CIV004 "Duelists".

Painted with Reapers/Vallejo's/Citadels.

Shaded and inked.

Mounted on a flat washer base.


"Robert Holstonsworth still couldn't understand why he had decided to be a second and a witness to the duel between two of his friends on that misty, humid morning. He said a silent prayer of thanks as the man he was seconding for actually had to the gall to show up. Unfortunately, his gall for showing up, did nothing for his bravery, or skill with a pistol, and count to ten, turn, and fire ended with his friend he was seconding for catching a lead ball in his throat from his other friends pistol, and falling to the ground, only to die a few moments later in a frothing, gurgling, horrid death. Robert nodded to himself and said "It could've been worse....It could've been me!"

Next up, another Foundry figure from the same range.


28mm Figure from Foundry's pack CIV004 "Duelists".

Painted with Reapers/Vallejo's/Citadels.

Shaded and inked.

Mounted on a flat washer base.


"Henry Higgins watched and judged to duel to make sure that it was "fair and honorable". 

"Now remember." He said. "On each count you take a step. At ten, you turn and fire! Once you take the first step there is no turning back from this." 

Both contestants nodded glumly and with looks of grim determination in their eyes.

Henry was a bit sad because he was friends to both, but needed to see his duty, as well as honor and satisfaction done. And while a part of him was morbidly curious as to who would pull the trigger and deliver the proper shot, he was also saddened as both duelists were friends of his.....and both of them owed him money. One way or another he would be out of money."

And yet another Foundry duelist figure.


28mm Figure from Foundry's pack CIV004 "Duelists".

Painted with Reapers/Vallejo's/Citadels.

Shaded and inked.

Mounted on a flat washer base.


"Bertram Wickham stood nearby the group and watched the duelists as they took their steps to the count. He was also a witness and a friend like his friend Holstonsworth, and frowned as he knew that within moments, one of his friends on the green would be busy shaking off his mortal coil. "How unfortunate that events came to happen for this to be! What is even more unfortunate is that not only do I lose a friend on this day to a well placed shot, but I should also lose a fellow card player that is bad and cards and good at losing his money....Sigh...."

Yet another reverend....

28mm Town Reverend by Front Rank/Gripping Beast.
Painted with my standard trio of Vallejo/Reaper/Citadel Colors.
Shaded with Nuln Oil and the flesh-shade.
Mounted on a flat washer base.


"Reverend Goodall preaches to the congregation on "The evils of sin and the wages that sinners must pay. Once again his sermon is full of "thou shalt nots", and he speaks of the damnation of souls, in everlasting hellfire. 

Between himself and his fellow Protestant Clergyman, The Righteous Reverend Task, they feel the need to cleanse the island of sin and wickedness, keep the flock in line, and drive out those statue and pope worshipping Catholics that the governor has allowed to remain here as long as they don't start any trouble.

But for now, another round of fire and brimstone should keep those thinking of sin in line for another week, and help with the donation plates that are passed around as well."

Aristocrat with Shotgun...


Aristocrat with shotgun from Foundry Miniatures Aristocrats set.

Painted with a variety of Reaper/Citadel/Vallejo colors.

Mounted on a flat washer base.


"Lord Biltmore scowled as he waited for his hounds-man to bring the dogs up from the kennel for them to go hunting. He was irritated that it was taking longer than expected as hunting and shooting innocent, defenseless, forest animals always seemed to relieve him of the bothersome stress and anxiety that he often got from dealing with his wife, and her mother, and his wife's sister, and his children, and her sisters children, as they prattled and made an awful racket of noise in his house. 

"Hmph". He thought to himself. "Perhaps if I put a few shots into some game birds, or perhaps a wayward Irishman that will lighten up my spirits somewhat!"

Pegleg Pirate


28mm Peg Leg Pirate, (I want to say Old Glory, but it could be Dixon).

Painted with a variety of Reaper/Citadel/Vallejo Paints.

Shaded with Agrax Earthshade and Nuln Oil.

Mounted on a flat washer base.


"Ol' Pegleg Pete kept his pistol ready. Even though he hadn't been at sea in over 3 years, he was still known around the pubs, taverns, and some of the lower class knocking shoppes, and he had enemies.

Sure an enemy musket ball during a boarding action had made his left leg meet the doctors saw, and now he had the wooden peg leg that was common for men of his ilk, but it didn't mean he was completely out of action. He had business dealings here in port, and some of them were not so on the up and up. Thus the pistol...."

Next up was a camp follower.

Camp Follower


28mm Prussian Camp Follower from Foundry's SYW Range.

Painted with a wide variety of Reaper/Citadel/Vallejo paints.

Shaded with Agrax.

Mounted on a flat washer base.


"The first time young William (aka: "Willie") Phillips saw Katrina, the tavern serving wench, he knew he was in love.

True for his age he really didn't know what love truly was, but he knew he was in love with Katrina.

He stood by the vegetable stand that his Uncle Edwin was manning, and happened to look across the open courtyard of "The Jolly Sailor" Tavern, and saw her as she served a table of mariners another round of drinks from her tray.

Her golden honey blonde hair framed her beautiful face. Her smiling at the men there as she gave them their mugs and collected their coins, showing off her white teeth, and pink lips. He stood there in silent awe for a moment just watching. It was when she leaned forward and he got a good view of her ample bosom in the dress she was wearing with the low cut front that he made a quiet gasping sound.

He was in love.

Suddenly as he gasped, he felt as it were the fates themselves telling him that they were destined to be together, and by fate she heard his faint gasp over the loud, raucous sounds of the men at the table, that she glanced out towards his direction, and their eyes met. His wide brown eyes met her crystal blue ones, and then she smiled at him for a moment before turning back to towards the tavern door to fetch more drinks.

One split second....One look with her eyes and that gaze of enchanted beauty. One moment and her enrapturing smile, and he knew that she was his destiny.

His enchantment was broken by his Uncle Edwin shattering his love starved dreams. "Aye lad. I see what you're staring it. Truth be told, I was staring too, but don't tell your Aunt Wilma or neither of us will hear the end of it. But I'll say that I'd steer my ship into her port any night of the week, stormy weather or not." He ended the sentence with a half gurgle-half chuckled laughter and turned his attention back to selling cabbages to Mrs. Balder, who had just walked up to the vegetable stand and was starting to peer with a scornful eye, seeking out anything that looked even remotely rotten.

Willie heard his Uncle's words and for the first time in his young life, not only felt love...but also....jealousy.

Ahhhh....the heartache of young love...."

Governor's Assistant


28mm Figure from Old Glory's "Fat Governor and Creepy Assistants" pack.

Painted with a variety of Reaper/Citadel/Vallejo Colors.

Mounted on a flat washer base.


"Oswald Osgood stood looking out the window, his hand rubbing his chin, and his mind in deep thought with his eyes fixed on Katrina, the tavern serving wench of "The Jolly Sailor" Tavern, as she walked towards the open market. He found himself enjoying the sight of her, and how she bounced in all of the right places when she walked. The sight of her caused a smirk to come across his face.

"Hmmm...." he said to himself. "I can only imagine how enticing she would look in a parlor room, on her hands and knees, disrobed of that low cut restrictive dress and wearing nothing but a saddle on her back, with a bit and bridle in her mouth. Of course I would have to apply the riding crop to her bare behind as we rode around the room."

He sighed as he dreamed of the scene, attempting to ignore the fact that his wife was calling his name yet again, to intrude upon his thoughts and self contained happiness, with yet another trivial interruption that she felt was so important.

"Such is life." He said to himself with a sigh of resignation."

And yet, another Governor's assistant....


28mm figure from OG "Fat Governor and Creepy Assistants" package.

Painted with a variety of Reaper/Citadel/Vallejo Colors.

Shaded with Agrax.

Mounted on a flat washer base.


"Franklin Benjamin looked over the latest dispatches and reports that had been brought to him by courier aboard the HMS Winthrop. True, the news was over a month old, and things may have possibly changed since then, but it was still news.

"Hmmm..." He said to himself. "We are to receive a section of artillery and crew to help support our infantry in defense of the town and the island. This is a good thing. The governor should be pleased with this." He looked through the other papers, and made mental notes to himself about their contents before taking them to the Lord Governor.

"Perhaps this evening, I can discuss some financial matters with some of my associates over a nice glass of claret." He said to himself and smiled, already imaging some of the coins jingling in his purse."

Next up was yet "another old lady...."

Old lady....


28mm Old Lady from the Front Rank/Gripping Beast Townsfolk series.

Painted with a variety of Reaper/Citadel/Vallejo paints.

Mounted on a flat washer base.

(A close up of her face...showing her years...)


"Old Alma Withersby slowly shuffled down the poorly kept half muddy, half cobblestoned street to the little shop to pick up a few sundries that she needed and then return to her cottage. Being at such an age, and being poor, she lived on the seedier and less desirable side of the city and being weak and frail, she was ignored by the ruffians, drunks, thugs, muggers, and pirates that were looking for trouble. Sometimes she would have small talk with one or two of them on her way to or from the church service. "They may be cutthroats, scum, and ne'er-do-wells, but when I speak with them, you can see that they are thinking about talking with their mother, or their gran. Even the blackest hearted pirates had a mother..." She said as she smiled to herself.

"Besides, if any of them did cause me any trouble, I'd contact the boys I have hired to gut him like a fish and dump his scurvy ridden corpse into the harbor at nightfall. Last thing I need is some loud, drunken, bothersome lout finding out about my business and my income."

Two ladies sweeping the floor...

So what do you do when you have more than one figure of the same pose?

Why paint them up in different paint jobs for variety.

These two figures are from Perry Miniatures, ""Civilians".

They are painted with my standard triad of Reaper/Vallejo/Citadel.

Shaded with Agrax.

Mounted on flat washer bases.

This gives you an idea of how a few color changes can completely alter figures and increase variety.


"Wilma Higgins swept the floor furiously, letting her anger and disgust over her husbands Rupert's recent disappearance (along with the dog, and most of the money they had saved up), flow out of her and into the broom she wielded as she wielded it upon the defenseless dirt and sand on the wooden floor that had been trod into the inn where she worked by oafish, careless, travellers.

"Clumsy people." She muttered to herself.

While her anger over her husbands actions was evident, what wasn't evident was the fact that she missed him, worried about his well being, and loved him dearly. But there was no way in all the oceans of the world that she would let him or anyone else know.

She was also kind of fond of the dog also..."

"Margaret Heddlethorpe worked her broom on the entryway foyer to Lord Mitchell's Manor home. She prided herself in her work, and was grateful for Lord Mitchell's employment. He seemed well pleased with her work, (as well as her similar disgust towards small noisy children, cat, yapping dogs, French, Spaniards, and the Irish.); and paid her well. So she endeavored to make everything perfect for his lordship. Why one night when he had had a brandy or four, she overheard him mumbling about "The worthless Irish", as she braved herself, and walked up to him and said "Your lordship, you are absolutely right about the Irish, and shouldn't mince words! A worthless lot they are. My daughter Susanna ran away with an Irishman to the colonies. Do you know what I did? I disowned her I did! No right English girl would associate in that manner with an Irishman!"
Imagine her surprise when Lord Mitchell offered her a glass (albeit a small one) of brandy and six extra shillings in her weeks pay." Ever since then, he had bought her loyalty. 

And from there, we slip into the 19th Century with some figures from Company D Miniatures.

19th Century Civilians


Shopkeeper/Barkeep from Company D Miniatures 19th Century (1860's Civilians} Line.

Painted with a wide variety of Reaper/Citadel/Vallejo paints.

Shaded with Agrax.

Mounted on a flat washer base.


"Charlie Childers hated children.

Oh he liked people well enough and was well mannered, courteous, and friendly to adults.

But children....that was another story altogether.

He prided himself in keeping Childers General Store impeccably clean and organized to the point of being almost obsessive about it. If a can of beans on a shelf was out of alignment, he would realign the entire stock of canned beans to make them "right and correct".  

It was said that years ago, Charlie was a mathematician or something like that at some big muckety-muck university back East. and spent all his time "figgerin' numbers",   but that he had gotten involved in somethin' somehow and was let go, and now he was out here in Rimfire running his General Store, with it's whitewashed walls, swept and scrubbed floor boards, and windows always clean of dust and grime.

But he hated children. 

No one really knew why, and when they came into his store, he kept a sharp hard eye on them. Parents kept them close at hand and the little brats were always nice and quiet and well mannered in his store. He'd then sell them a stick of candy for a penny and would breathe a sigh of relief when the customer took their bothersome brats with them and left his business.

His wife Coraline (pending divorce once the papers from Boston arrive), decided that "Arizona Territory, and a childless family spelled doom for their marriage" and one day while he was at the store, she wrote a letter and left it on the kitchen table of their tiny house, before she went into town and boarded the stage that would take her to Tucson and to the train while would take her back East to her blue blood parents who had sniffed their disapproval of her marriage and she could try to begin her life in society new again. She had wanted children but Charlie hated children. 

He hated them with a deep, dark, passionate fury."

And a local town politician, or is that snake oil salesman? (Same thing really....)


19th Century Official.

Figure by Company D Miniatures.

Painted with a variety of Reaper/Citadel/Vallejo paints.

Mounted on a flat washer base.


"It's a hot, dry, afternoon, at the local 4th of July celebration in Rimfire. The six piece "Salvation for the Soul" Brass band has just finished Yankee Doodle (for the third time), and the BBQ steer won't be ready for another hour or so, and thus the crowd gets to sit through a series of speeches by local officials, and little Eugenia Burke reciting "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere".

After this enlightening recital, the crowd is relegated to listen to one Solomon Horatio Filibuster as he takes to the flatbed wagon that's being used as a stage and speaks to the good folks of Rimfire about "Patriotism, Duty, Honor, Country, and Votin' the Right People in for Congress...because even though "we are just a territory we need the RIGHT type of representation in Washington DC, and I promise you, the good folks of Rimfire, (Arizona Territory), that if you elect me to the hallowed halls of Congress in Washington DC, as your territorial representative, that I will make sure for you that I get what I need and that YOU will get what you deserve..."

Meanwhile at the undertakers....


Dixon 25mm Figure in Coffin.

Painted with Vallejo and Citadel Colors.

Shaded with Agrax.


"The final photograph of one William S. Levy, a self styled card sharp who shook off his mortal coil in this world courtesy of a 2 shot derringer wielded by an angry man over a poker game outside of Nashville, Tennessee. 
For most people, when they are in this situation, their life has essentially ended on this plane and their fate in eternity is now before them, and one would expect this of William.

But not for William.

But tonight, William S. Levy is going to find himself in a world that he doesn't know, doesn't understand, and can't reason with what has happened.
For tonight, William S. Levy is coming back from the dead, and will be walking the streets of The Twilight Zone...."

And that was it for the last of the July figures.

And then we move onto August....

August Figures...

I've slipped back into the frame of "Non-human figures, (animals, monsters, scenics, terrain, items, etc.), and went to town.

Back in July I cranked out approx. 50 pieces and was quite proud of myself. 

Let's see what I could get done for this month.


The Assault Group (TAG), miniatures, makes a wide variety of animals, and these figures all come from either their "Cats" or their "Dog, Toy", sets. They also make a set of "fighting dogs", and "hounds" type.

All are painted with Vallejo/Citadel/Reaper paints.

All are matte sealed, and mounted on flat washer bases.

"Fifi was the favored pampered poodle of the wife of Lord Governor Whitehall. Every time he saw that dog, the nagging doubt came forth in his mind that "he had paid too much money to get that stupid dog from Paris to London, and then to here."  But it made his wife happy, and if his wife was happy, and indulging in the barking, fluffy, creature; then by all means, it takes less stress off of his mind."

Backstory:  Backstory:

" Lord Mitchell hated cats...

Lord Mitchell's wife on the other hand simply "adored" them, much to his grumbling and disgust.

And thus his house was inhabited (Or "cursed" as he was want to say), by "Princess".

Out of all the cats she had, this was her faaaaaaaaaaavorite....

Despite Lord Mitchell's obvious disdain of  "All things Spanish.", he did agree that the word "Diablo", seemed fitting and appropriate to this feline creature.

Indeed as Lord Mitchell judged other people and stared at them with contempt, so did Princess do the same to Lord Mitchell.

It was quite common to find them both on opposite sides of the same room, staring and scowling at each other.

Theirs wasn't a "pretty" relationship."


"An orange/brown cat with no-name, suddenly had it's interest (and taste buds) piqued as it eyed the bright yellow canary that was in Mrs. Winslop's cage hanging in the window."


Two more dogs, "Duchess", (on the left with the pink tongue that always hangs out), and "Golden", for the golden blonde color that he has. Duchess is not above begging and being hand fed treats from the adoring eyes of the local upper crust ladies, while Golden is not above trying to eat anything it can, chew anything it can't eat, or hump your leg when it's in the mood...."

And then well, what village isn't proper without cattle?



"More moooooo....."

With the animals, done I could then focus on some scenery.

First up was a combination of scenic pieces; an altar from Reaper, and two floor pieces from Ral Parth/Ironwinds.


28mm Scenic (Magical books, altar, and bubble pot), by Reaper, and Ral Partha/Ironwinds.

Painted with homemade charcoal gray color, Reaper, Vallejo, and Citadel.

Shaded with Agrax

No bases.


"Some things are just "evil" and you can tell by looking at them.  Midgets, Circus Clowns, Carnival people, Boiled Okra, and more. The trappings of a mage/wizard/sorcerer are no different. The writings on the books and scrolls speak of foul thinks of darkness, and should be avoided. The green stuff bubbling in the cauldron is definitely NOT vegetable soup, and whatever you do, DON'T lie down on the altar!!!!"

And a close up of some of the "Arcane Writing of Foul, Dark, Magic", found in the books and scrolls.

(" of evil indeed....)

And I was able to get a piece of terrain scenery done.

Actually got two done, but the second one was basically some trees and a rock.


28mm Scenery: "The Forgotten Grave".

Tree by Woodland Scenics.

Flocking by Woodland Scenics.

Headstone from "O" scale Model RR scenery.

Based on a TexMex Music CD from a CD case I found one afternoon, which was laying on the side of the road.

(Gotta do a little touching up of the groundwork on the base...) EDIT: Base has been touched up since this photo.


"All around the world, there are graves. It is said that there are always more graves than people, and this is true. One mediocre philosopher once summarized it by saying "We are all living in one big graveyard."

Graves come in all shapes and sizes. Many of them are marked with elaborate, and ornate sculptures, monuments, and adornments that give your eyes something to look at and wonder, while your mind gleefully ignores that this beautiful piece of stone, or cut marble is placed to show you the name of the rotting corpse that is six feet beneath the soil right in front of your feet.

These graves are often visited and cared for.

Other graves, like this one, are cared for and visited...for a while. But life moves on, and those that remember who was buried here, get on with their lives, or they too end up in a hole in the ground, covered with dirt, and a stone marking who is there.

This grave like so many others, hasn't seen a cleaning, flowers, or even a visitation in a long time. The effects of the ages show upon it's weather worn stone, and the only company it has is a small, solitary tree providing shade from the hot, hot, sun.

Perhaps it's a reminder that we are all born alone, and we will also all die alone...."

Wow...that was um...pretty grim and somber don't you think?

Okay, well, moving on....

Two treasure chests from Wiz Kids!

Painted with the normal paints and shaded with Agrax.

" lads and me pretties! Two chests, full of shiny stuffs and pretty things that'll be valuables of sorts! What say we unlocks them and see what's inside?

Of course they could be trapped with hideous poisons that cause any thief to die a slow, agonizing, death.

But we're not afraid are we?

You go first..."

Next up is a place to rest...


28mm Adventurer's Camp Scatter by Wizkids.

Painted with a wide variety of Reaper/Citadel/Vallejo/Craft Colors.

Pieces that are based are on flat washer bases.

Shaded with Agrax.

Groundwork flocking by Woodland Scenics.

"Adventurers eventually have to stop for the night/day, and rest. They need time to bandage their wounds, sharpen their blades, study their spells and prayers, look over their acquired loot for anything that may help them, draw straws as to "Who will get the honor of having to go inform the NPC hirelings mother that "her darling boy was dissolved by a gelatinous cube, or died a horrible, screaming death as he was ripped apart by flesh hungry ghouls, and the party members ran the other way, leaving him to his horrible fate..."

You know they never seem to put in that last bit....


An adventurers camp, once situated in a good, safe place is a wonderful place for adventurers to do all of the above. They can cook a meal over an open fire without attracting the attention of wandering dungeon creatures and are thus relegate to eating cold, iron, rations. A keg of ale, or good beer, and a nice bedroll to sleep in, and rest in preparation for the next phase of the adventure, which may include having more party members dismembered by angry, hungry, monsters in the dungeons down below...." 

But what is an island garrison without "Things that go boom?"

Thus the artillery.

This from Foundry's SYW British Light Artillery Set.

(The artillery has arrived...the artillery crewman, however, have not....)

And I was able to get a pic of all of my completed projects.

Thirty one pieces of non-people stuff (animals, scenery, terrain, etc.), done this month.

Not as big an amount as I was planning, but still a good and decent amount of stuff done.

This month it's back to figures again. 

Priority is on the British artillery crew, more pirates, and some others.

And with the last of the sealing of July's figures I was finally able to get a full 50 figure picture showing my July progress.

(Fifty more done....fifty less on my mountain....)

But for the first time in three months my desk and worktable didn't end up "clean and empty". Instead it was a bit of a chaotic mess.

(While the desk wasn't empty of figures and completely clean, it wasn't a total mess...)

(Which couldn't be said for the side table....oh dear....)

And onto other things....

So with the gaming stuff done for now, things went at their usual ("end of summer, here comes fall!"), breakneck speed.

One of the things my wife and I like to do is go to yard sales, flea markets, junk shops, antique stores, etc.

So a couple of weekends ago, we made a trip to Kokomo. We have started exploring this area a bit now, and while we have found a lot of things we like about it, most of the people I see in Kokomo Indiana seem to either be, or really need to be on some sort of medication, or have some type of professional medical help, (both physically and mentally)....

However at one of the places we went my wonderful wife (Gawd bless her!) bought some beautiful items and a nice green glass vase. 

“Did you find something nice?” She asked me…

“Um…” I said.

I’ve come to realize that “nice” is ambiguous…

I mean...who here wouldn't want these????
We also went to a newish buffet called "Ichi-ban", (it's Japanese themed), and enjoyed it.

(Greeted when you come through the door. I was saddened that his arm wasn't going back and forth....)

And then while there, we found a chair I would love to have, (although in black and not brown)....

(A proper chair that's fitting for me to run games in, don't you think???...)

What fascinated me was their robots.

These are programmed robots that carry their blink teas and special whipped drinks to your table.

You can pet them and they react.

They're cute in a that wonderful, weird, Japanese way....

After being fascinated by the robot, I settled down for the meal and had a Sapporo beer. First time I've had one of these in a few years.

And then started with the food.

The shrimps were large and tasty....

And I had sushi also.

Here's some of what I had.

Sushi, like drinking Guiness is an "acquired" taste.

The food is very good, and we enjoyed it.

Kokomo wasn't all fun and games though.

We had decided a while back that we no longer needed two cars, and both of ours were getting up there in age. As a result we decided to do a 2 for 1 trade in.

So we said goodbye to Buford and Miss Priscilla. After many years of service and driving.

And we welcomed "Josette" into our family.

A 2018 Chrysler Pacifica L.

(Yes...named after Josette in "Dark Shadows". My wife was a "Barnabas" fan....)

(This thing has more bells and whistles than a Chinese marching band....)

With the heat and humidity gone, I also got a chance to sit down on the back patio and get some cigar and drinks time in.

For one evening it was a Drew Estate Java Latte, with a tumbler of Glen Livet on the rocks.

This was an excellent combination.

I also tried a Drew Estate Crown Underground with some Johnny Walker Black and while the JWB was good, the cigar left a bit to be desired.

I also had a chance to make my froo-froo drinks. In this picture I made a slightly stronger than usual banana boat.


And so August winds away and September comes...
And with it, a new month, more figures to the brush, new ideas, and old projects still going.
Best wishes to you for the month of Sept.
For those of you that have been with me for the 200 posts, I want to say "Thank you." Here's hoping for another 200 more and more fun to share with you.
Let me know what you think!

(With blue skies and the heat going away, we say goodbye to summer, and welcome the cooler better weather of fall...)

Thanks for reading and stay tuned as there is more to come!