The Blog of Michael T. Murphy and his lifelong obsession with "little army men" and their imaginary glory, miniature wargaming, and other things...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happiness is a CLEAN game room!

Yes I did it.
I went yesterday to the Salvation Army store and spent 20 bucks on a nice bookshelf, and brought it back and put in in the game room this morning. Then I got to cleaning the mess up.One of my main problems is that I work on multiple projects "at once", and things get piled up, shuffled around and the place looks like a dump. It's one of the problems with mini wargaming. Your projects tend to take on a life of their own, and you accumulate "stuff"...
So I had to clean it, and with the new bookshelf, cleaning it was my project for the day.
So now I have it cleaned, and organized!
Take a look and see!

My painting/work table after the cleaning! (Egad look at the ROOM!)
And yet another shot of the painting/work area, showing the paint holder, work table area and tools table area. It amazes me how much room I actually have when it's clean...and yes...that IS the Bongolesian Flag on the wall...
For those that say that "Bongolesia doesn't exist"...Take THAT Wikipedia!!!!
The dresser for figs along with storage containers for terrain, parts, plastic, etc...all in all a LOT of stuff in these drawers for scratchbuilding.
A close up of the "Drawers of Stuff"...
Yes, a "Drawer full of lead"...15mm vehicles by QRF, 15mm Battle Honors Figs, Steve Jackson Ogrethulhus, SST Female Cap Troopers, Pulp Figures (In the box on the right), Some Bolt Action Minis, and some of the 28mm Pirates that I have, among others...
My new bookshelf and my closet of stuff. Terrain, scenery, vehicles, rules, and parts and stuff...Gods this hobby is horrible...
The ever lovely Ms. Linda Blair, whose graciously autographed photo adorns my wall, and tells me that "wargamers turn her on"...riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...dream on sucker...

Of course, keeping the room safe and sound, and inspiring us all, is the ever present and gracious gentleman; Mr. Adam West outfitted as The Caped Crusader...
Comments are appreciated!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Photos of my guys and past games...

Ouch folks..sorry for not having anything to show you in this latest update, but I've been lax. I've a couple of things being built right now, and hope to get some pix up soon.

But for get to see some of my older stuff...

Enjoy...I hope...

A picture of the US SF team landing in their LZ outside of the "peaceful" village of Ebowla in Bongolesia. Little do they know what is in store for them...

US SF Troops take up fighting positions and engage Bongolesian Territorial Troops. Putting the whammy on the locals.
This is one of my favorite shots that I took for this game as it shows the US SF troops in action and a good view of the urban surroundings of the town that they had to deal with...
The "business end" of the the US SF Teams engaging the locals. This is another one of my faves as it shows it a good position, cover and engagement area. These guys know their job!

Perhaps one of my most disturbing photos that I have ever taken at a game, is this one. A UN Jeep burns with it's casualties as a truck load of rebels pass by. For some reason, I guess the angle of the shot, and the imagery of it, has always stuck with me. They may be toy soldiers that we play with, but I often see them and remind myself that they represent some of the most horrible things that happen in this world...

In Feb of 2005 I attended Owlcon in Houston, and saw a gentlemen who had assemble a W40K Dark Eldar Force and had painted it in the colors of "Barbie"...
I'm not a GW fan, but I was IMPRESSED with his paint skills, his detail, and just the quirkiness of it...and the fact that it REALLY disturbed a LOT of the GW fanboys at the convention! I just had to take a pic of it. It's THAT good!
Okay...hope you enjoyed it. The next entry hopefully will show you some more of my stuff...