The Blog of Michael T. Murphy and his lifelong obsession with "little army men" and their imaginary glory, miniature wargaming, and other things...

Sunday, May 26, 2024

An update for May!

 Holy cow! I'm actually getting around to updating for the month BEFORE the month is over! What's up with that?

So, things have been going here at Murph-Haus, since my return back from Little Wars. For those of you interested in attending, we are already making plans. 

I've been doing some painting, some priming, and working on things.

I didn't get as many figures painted this month as I wanted to due to doing some work around the house, and helping the neighbors and life in general.

However I did get some figures done, and I got some other stuff cleaned up and ready for priming. I now just have to wait for the heat and humidity to drop down to prime.

Figures painted, WIP's....

I've attached a picture of some of the recent WIP's I have been working on. One of them, Lord Whitehall, is a repair job due to me having to do a quick fix on a stubborn flash issue with his mouth.

The rest of the figures are a mixture of Foundry and Company D figures, of which I will be showing and reviewing later on in a future post.

Most of these figures have been flocked already and are waiting on the sealing.

(Figures waiting to be finished....and in the background the British Infantry continue to patiently wait to be completed.... Soon boys soon...)

Eee-yi, Eee-yi, Oh!

So one of my purchases during Little Wars, was "farm animals". I needed some animals for the scenics as well as for some of the objective markers, (Pigs for food, etc.), and The Assault Group, (TAG) makes some nice ones in 28mm range.
My wonderful wife, (Gawd bless her!), told me "Make sure you get cows, pigs, chickens, and ducks!"
"Yes dear." I said as every dutiful husband would. Besides she was telling me to get more miniatures... Who am I to argue with that?

So I got pigs...

(That's a lot of ham and bacon there...)

And chickens...because my wife loves chickens....
TAG makes theirs loose and a couple of roosts with one sitting in one.

(Egg layers and friers...)

Unfortunately I had to tell my wife that "there were no ducks to be found..." and so I went with the alternative, GEESE!
For me a geese are nothing but "Bigger ducks with bad attitudes and loose bowels".

(Six of them and a feeding trough...)

After that it was off to get some "furniture"....

"Put it over wait....there!"

I've decided that for the month of June, I am going to focus mostly on scenics and terrain. I have a couple, (actually about four) buildings that I want to get finished, as well as rebasing some trees, building a pig sty, etc.
But some of my buildings needed furniture in them.
So I wandered over to Knuckleduster.

The first item I picked up was their Barbershop furniture set.
This is a nice set of resin pieces that will fill out any barbershop.

("Shave and a haircut...."  come on, you KNOW you want to finish it...)

Then I picked up the all metal Fancy Parlor Set...

(This will look nice in my future "Fancy Sporting House" project...)

I also picked up the Knuckleduster General Store Furnishings but for some weird reason, taking a picture of the items, escaped me.

28mm Groceries...

And then it was time to move onto food.
Back in December one of the items I got on my first order from Tabletop World was their "Groceries" set.
This is a very large set of 28mm resin printed food items.
And wow...
I've always been impressed by the level of detail that these fine folks put out, but when you look at the detail on things such as "cheese", and the pies...(yes...pies in 28mm), it really says amazing good things about the company and the products they deliver.

This is a pic of what you get in the entire package.

(All the meat, vegetables, grains, and fruit for a well balanced meal...)

Close up pics revealed an amazing amount of detail that I hope I can do justice to.

(Garlic cloves, sausages, breads, pumpkins meat, and so much more...)

(Baskets and crates of food, sacks of stuff...stacks of cheese...some fresh squirrels, pies, breadsticks, oh my!)

("Looks like meat's back on the menu boys...."  A nice selection, of meats, eggs, cheese and poultry...)

(Even closer "close ups". The level of detail for something so mundane and simple is amazing. I am VERY impressed.)

(Did someone say "Pies"?)

(The detail on the garlic cloves is simply awesome.)

To show you how small the pies are, take a look at this one, on the tip of my finger...

So my project for the month of June is pretty much "Terrain and Scenics". I know I will probably get a few figures painted, but I am going to focus on the T and S for June, as I have some buildings that desperately need finishing, so I can clear them off my list of "things to do."

So now all I am waiting on right now, is the humidity to drop so I can get all of this out and prime it.

(More "stuff" for the brush...)

And that's currently it for now. 
I'll be at the Memorial Day Services tomorrow, and then back to the brush.

More as this comes but I just want to give one last shout out to Tabletop World for their awesome products and service. If you have been on the fence about buying from them, please take it from me. They are top notch!

More to come!
Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Terrement said...

Thanks Murphy.

Didn't know about Tabletop World. Nice looking bits! I'll have to check them out.