The Blog of Michael T. Murphy and his lifelong obsession with "little army men" and their imaginary glory, miniature wargaming, and other things...

Saturday, November 6, 2010


This is a story about my game room....

And how it got turned into a "guest room"....

To be fair and honest it was only a guest room for a small my lady's father came down for two weeks.

But still....

So let's see what it looked like!

"'s the door to the game room....I wonder why it's closed???"

Well the sign proclaiming what it is is still it's rightful spot...Lets open the door and have a look and see, shall we?

Who knows what secrets lie beyond this closed door? Welllll....there's only one way to find out!!!

Hmmm...pretty dark in here...Let's turn on the lights...



The rooms been "cleaned and rearranged " by a female creature of the household!!!!

Pleasant dreams....while sleeping under the Bongolesian Flag...

Hmmm...seems pretty well organized and tidied...and I can see where everything is....mostly...

The painting table/desk is clean and tidy....hmmmmm....

All the brushes and stuff in their place...

And my shelf o' minis and stuff seems to be A-OK....that's a good sign....

And above it all, my Victorian Alter-Ego, Col. Horatio Hieronymous Mustard (Sandhurst Class of '53...harumph!) stands and observes with keen interest...while his servant keeps the port handy, and the Voodoo Master works his mojo...all the while the Bongolesian Flag snaps crisply in the breeze...


Kelroy Was Here said...

It looks like your alter ego is about to be eaten by a white dragon!

Nice room. Make sure to post some pics when it's back to it's "natural" state.

Vojvoda said...

Hey that dragon is unpainted!
James Mattes

War Minister Crittumbo said...

Nice room! I always sit at attention
when I see the National flag.