The Blog of Michael T. Murphy and his lifelong obsession with "little army men" and their imaginary glory, miniature wargaming, and other things...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Busy on a snowy day!

So it's a lazy quiet Saturday here at Casa Del Murphy, and the snow is falling heavy and fast outside, so there'll be no going out today for anything....

And the truck gets yet another coating of the white stuff...

Looking out my window and seeing the big fat flakes come down.... wonderful lady is thoroughly enjoying her "most favorite Christmas present"...

Yes...the "Skull and Bones" SNUGGIE that was given to her as a Christmas present by His Excellency, President-For-Life P'hat Daddee B'wonah of Bongolesia... (interested readers wanting to know more, can click this link right here... )
I think she likes B'wonah more than she wants to admit now...
Although I must say, that the idea of skulls and bones on a Snuggie is "so B'wonah", and ummm....kind of disturbing....
Sooooo....with snow coming down, it's time for me to head for the project table!!!

Can't forget the coffee...and believe it or not, the tube of Green Putty on the table is approximately 20+ years old...; and still going strong....

My main projects of the day, 2 BTR-152's, some technicals, some GAZ trucks, a bridge, (The spider is not on the "to do list" today....)....
But first I put together my Paintier 80...
It's a nice paint works better with my GW, Reaper, and old Ral Partha paints over my Vallejos. I really wish I had been able to get one of the racks from Silicone Dragons before they went goofy and closed doors, (ie: Became a bad dealer)....

The rack with paints on it...very nice...I'd like some more of these in the future!
Currently (as 0f 17:15) I have done the following:
1: Finished ALL major painting on my cargo tramp steamer.
2: Named by small coastal trawler, (more on that in the near future).
3: Painted the airport control tower.
4: Primed the Presidential Palace.
5: Painted the bridge base colors.
6: Base coated the BTR's, the technicals, Jeeps and Land Rovers.
7: Drank some coffee and realized that I need some more music on my Iphone/Ipod thingy...
8: I also made a case holder for my fixed wing aircraft....
Things are coming along quite nicely and I hope to get more done tomorrow. I've a lot to do before Origins and after this bunch is done, I've got to get to work on the US Marines....
More pics to follow, but right now, we have hot pizza on the way, and will be watching "The Evil Dead" tonight. What a GREAT way to spend a snow day!!!!
Comments are appreciated....

1 comment:

War Minister Crittumbo said...

Where's the USS NIXON????????????????