The Blog of Michael T. Murphy and his lifelong obsession with "little army men" and their imaginary glory, miniature wargaming, and other things...

Sunday, December 6, 2015

December Update....

Apologies for the two month delay folks. Time just got away from me with work, and real life, and a plumbing issue, medical issues, and yet more work, etc....

My painting has slowed down tremendously. TBH, my wife and I got some nasty hanging on sickness viral cold type thingy that took each of us about four odd weeks to get over and through. Only thing we wanted to do was just simply lay around, veg. out, and sleep. There was no real energy for painting figures or terrain etc.

However that did not keep me from buying.

During some of my recent forays into my areas, I have picked up some more packs.
The first set is from that funky, odd, store near Milwaukee that I have nicknamed "The Tombs".  I plan on hitting it again real soon....
The packs I got were the following:

(Town Elders....for when I need people running through the night down foggy cobblestone streets screaming for their lives, while others are trying to make decisions that may buy them one...more...night...)

(And of course....we will ALWAYS need...."Victims"...never enough...."victims"....)

(An OLD pack of RAFM "Fantasy Vampires" this case a pack of "Manipulators".  One of them is beginning to suffer from the discoloration that is the very early stages of lead rot....)

( A Reaper Chronoscope Figure...."There's no place like home...")

("And your little dog too!)....

And yes, they did have flying monkeys, but I decided against those, simply because they looked "Too mechanical".....

And then last week I made some purchases of Reapers "Bones"; Three packs to be precise.

1: A pack of Vermin Scorpions
2: A pack of Mummies
3: A kindly old grandmother....with a broom....

Out of these three packs, I do believe that it is The Granny figure that I I think is the most dangerous of them all....

So I am going to be on vacation from the 19-27th of December. I am hoping that sometime during that time I will be able to get some painting done.
Here's hoping.....

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