The Blog of Michael T. Murphy and his lifelong obsession with "little army men" and their imaginary glory, miniature wargaming, and other things...

Monday, January 27, 2025

January Update: Building the Fort....

So as the month of January has kicked in, I've used it to pretty much start on scenery for the island.
* I've based the four Ender buildings I have, and they are ready for priming and painting.
* I've finished planking the three scratch-built wharves. They're reading for final painting.
* I've done the basic assembly for the HQ/Barracks building, the Treasury, and another building, (probably yet another tavern or inn or something).
* I've assembled the Knuckleduster Gallows, (the old Tri Laser version).

So now it's onto the next set of scenics; the really "important ones".

For Christmas this year, my wonderful wife (Gawd bless her!), got me the English Manor House from Sarissa, the basic wharves and piers set from Things From The Basement, and the Market Set from the same.
The English Manor house is going to be the Governor's Mansion, so that is going to be first kit build priority.


I also need to get the fort started and done.

Hence the problem.
1: Forts are big.
2: 28mm is a big scale.
3: 28mm scenery is big.

All of this leads up to the issue of storage and transport.

I decided to go with a scratch-build fort simply because of the cost of prebuilds and the fact that I simply couldn't find one that I actually liked. By doing it myself, I can add more later on if I want to. Plus the fact it helps me with some of my building skills and trying out new methods and ideas.

The other issue is storage and transport.
I want to be able to move it in 1-2 Sterilite containers instead of lugging around one big massive structure, and thus being able to to be stored in the containers on the shelves. 
Hence the solution was to build the fort in modular/breakdown-takedown/assembly for easy set up, play, and taking down when the game is over.

Good idea.
How does it work?

Well, the first thing is to get an idea of what the fort will look like. 
For me the basic shape is "square"; four walls, and four towers. 

I measured the walls: 20" Length by 7" Height.
I cut the foamboard to the approximate size.
For a little "wall thickness" (as well as the insertion tabs), I doubled the foamboard for each wall.


(The cut wall piece. Only 7 more to do....sigh....)

Based on this, I then set up the fort in it's basic shape and size to get an actual look of how it would sorta/kinda look, and get the feel for the size of it.

(Basic size and shape of the fort. Cat to scale....)

After this, I needed to get the towers.
Towers #1 and #2 have been donated by Great Value.

Towers #3 and #4 towards the rear and the gate have been donated by Pirouline. Naturally I had to ensure that the delicious and tasty hazelnuts biscuits were donated to a good cause, (namely myself!), before use.

After this, I gathered all the items to make the basic fortress together.

(The fort before assembly. The round cheese boxes will be the upper battlements of the two large towers...)

Labels were removed from the large containers, and they were marked for wall tabs, doors, and windows.

After measuring the height fit of the walls to the two large towers, I went ahead and marked them for cutting.
Cutting was easy thanks to my Dremel.
Each wall tab slot is approx. 5" in length.
The tabs were made out of measured and cut large "jumbo" craft sticks.

Test fits of the tabs in the slots and then the use of the Dremel to "carefully" hollow out a space for the tabs to fit into the wall.
Once this was done, all was left for the first one was to test fit.
Would it fit? 
Would it work? 
Would I have a wall connected to the tower; the beginnings of a fort to protect my harbor town and it's "good" citizens ( "good" being a rather dubious term), and property of The Crown? Or would I end up tossing the entire failed project aside and wallow in my own self pity and misery. (Yes I have done that in the past too...)???

Let's find out.

(Success!!! Holy Cow, it worked!!!!)

It worked better than I thought it would!

(Upper shot showing the fit...)

Then it was to test the second tower and see how the wall section would look.
Egads! It looks good!

(Needless to say, I am indeed shocked at how well this worked!)

(A look at the fort from the outside.)

So we now know that this will indeed work.
Now the next part is to test fit Towers #3 and #4.

Let's see how it goes.

More to come, including our new household member, a surprise shipment of figures, convention information, projects, and FOOD!

Thanks for reading!


1 comment:

Jason said...

Good start to the fort, hope the rest comes together well. It definitely can be a challenge to store large piece of 28mm terrain.