The Blog of Michael T. Murphy and his lifelong obsession with "little army men" and their imaginary glory, miniature wargaming, and other things...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Troops and Tanks and Trucks, oh my!

Well, my orders from Brookhurst and Rebel Minis made it in. Sadly to say, that I only got about half of my Brookhurst order, so I guess I will have to simply go ahead and deal with what I have.
I have a game at Games2D4 ( ) that I am FINALLY running. Has it really REALLY been A YEAR since I ran a game??? (oh dear)...
Anyhow in order to "git 'er done", I once again have to go on a mad painting binge. I have about four days / nights to get this stuff done...hmmm..can I do it?
Here's what needs to be done...
207 Figs
1 Tank
3 Jeeps
6 Trucks

The first set of primed figs (Mostly Peter Pig with some Rebel Minis in the background), along with a FoW Jeep Set, and a Peter Pig T-55... All ready for the brush...

Another close up of the "Primer Greys"...ready to be painted and based and then sent to the little lead slaughterhouse...

The second batch of figs. Most of these are already in some form or shape of painted, but I need to finish them, base them, and seal them as they will be needed to add to the causalty count.
A close up of the second batch. Since they are more "hodge podge" they will take longer to paint I fear..oh dear...
The UN Supply Trucks...can't have a crisis in Africa without the UN getting involved. Since most of the Trucks are base coated, these shouldn't take too long. ..
I'm wondering if I will be able to get it done. and once I do, wow...more figs painted and a small dent is made in my little lead mountain...
But wait...I look across the room and there sitting there patiently awaiting my attention is my Boxed Starship Trooper Set! Arrrrgh!
And then there is the buildings I have to build...and the ship....and the stuff I have to cast...and I still have my US Marines to paint...and...and...and...
It never stops...this hobby is horrible...but I think that's why I love it so....
Check back on my progress...

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