The Blog of Michael T. Murphy and his lifelong obsession with "little army men" and their imaginary glory, miniature wargaming, and other things...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Help name the boat....

In my last update, I showed off pics of the Bongolesian Coastal Trawler that is going to be plying the waterways of that fair nation...
But she needs a name....
So in all fairness I went ahead and went to TMP and asked the dear members for ideas....

They're a pretty amazing and creative bunch of folks...

I settled for two...(after re-re-re-reading all of the names)...

The first was from Phil Hendry: "La Petite Marie"...
The second was from John the OFM: "The Marie Celeste"...

Both are good names, and so now I am asking for everyone to vote...
Voting will be done until Midnight on Dec 23rd.
She will be "officially christened" on Dec. 24th...

And unlike Chicago, (vote early, vote often), people are only allowed ONE vote...

So get your votes in and NAME MY SHIP!!!
BTW; the peron with the winning name submission will receive a help a fellow gamer out...


ColCampbell50 said...

The first vote goes to --

Marie Celeste


Jay Arnold said...

Marie Laveau.

Ok, ok, Marie Celeste.

No, really, Marie Laveau.

Unknown said...

I'll go with Jay Arnold's: Marie Leveau. It "sings" and sounds like an ideal name for a boat in Bongolesian service.