The Blog of Michael T. Murphy and his lifelong obsession with "little army men" and their imaginary glory, miniature wargaming, and other things...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

An update! we are in November!
Where HAS the time gone??
Fall In is this weekend, and once again I didn't have a chance to go. Hopefully next year...hopefully.
My gaming has been slight to nil right now. I've done some figure painting and am "Still" working on the ship. I've also counted my figs. Currently right now, I have approx 1450 figs (of various genres and scales), that need painting, and I am sure that more will find their way once I start REALLY searching for them.
But I DID finish the "The Bongolesian National Independence Victory and Unity Arch" this weekend, and here are a few (bad) pictures of it. It seems that my digital camera just cannot handle what I want it to do, and so I am thus being forced to looking into getting a better camera.

But here it is for your review...
Whoops! A BARF color bearer holding aloft the colors of BARF in true revolutionary fervor! (or is that fever?)...How did HE get in here?!?! we go....

The Bongolesian Arch...Truly a thing of great beauty and pride for the People of Bongolesia! (Rhinestone Gemstones and all...)

An oblique angle shot showing the size of this thing, compared to a stand of Peter Pig 15mm News Crew...

Another size comparison shot. Truly this is a a spectacle to see in downtown Sudekia...
More to my Pulp figures and Cowboys are starting to ask, (nay, DEMAND), attention...
Comments are appreciated!

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